The Benefits of a Floor Plan

Selling a property is considered an art form, so it’s only right that real estate agents are equipped with the very best tools in order to make that sale.

Floor plans are a fairly new addition to property details. They were originally made available only for very opulent homes or new builds but today they are far more prevalent and even the humblest of dwellings includes a floor plan on the details. So why are they so important?

To begin with, there are three elements to a plan that make it important. Firstly, measurements are included on a floor plan. Often poorly-drawn plans don’t have all the measurements or the measurements are included in the written description and lack context. The floor plan is the right place for room dimensions so that buyers can easily determine the relative sizes.

Next, a floor plan should include a compass market in order for buyers to tell which way the front of the house and which way the garden faces.

Finally, the third element entails the overall size of the property. This allows potential buyers to ascertain how much house they’re getting for their money. In some countries, properties are sold on the number of rooms they have and as a result, room sizes seem to be getting smaller. To draw a picture: a four bedroom house these days can take up the same footprint as a three bedroom home did twenty five years ago. Being able to see the total floor area allows buyers the opportunity to make sure they are getting good value for money.

There are three main reasons why a floor plan is important.

Floor plans help buyers see how a house works and whether or not they would like to view it. Room flow, layout and sizes are all factors that buyers take into consideration, particularly if they are looking for a family home. Buyers aren’t going to waste their time looking at properties that won’t match their needs.

Floor plans help buyers to visualize the house after they have viewed it. This is can useful when considering layout changes like removing a wall or installing an additional bathroom.

Finally, floor plans can help to make a property seem larger. It’s very easy to forget rooms that you saw when viewing the home or overlook an entire portion of the house. This is especially true of attics and basements and other areas that aren’t being utilized to the full. By showing the house in full on the floor plan, buyers won’t overlook a single area and as a result perceived value is added.

Making sure you have a floor plan when marketing your property. Add it to your brochure and try to make it available separately as a download via online property portals too. Make sure the plan is informative and clear and that it includes the total floor area. It may just be the element that closes the sale.